How Long Does a Root Canal Last Without a Crown: The Facts Behind It

A root canal is an essential dental procedure that removes the infected or decayed root of a tooth. A dental crown after a root canal is often recommended after a root canal to restore tooth structure and look. However, a root canal can be performed without a crown in some cases. This blog discusses the various factors that determine whether or not a root canal requires a crown and how long it will last without one. It also provides information on the pros and cons of the dental crown after a root canal. So, keep reading!

When is a root canal needed?

The root canal is needed when the tooth begins to decay and the infected pulp (the nerve tissue, blood vessels, and other structural components of the tooth) becomes inflamed. The most common cause of a root canal is dental plaque (a sticky film that forms on teeth due to bacteria growth). In consultation with a dentist, the decision to have a root canal should be made. The dentist will evaluate the individual situation and determine the best course of action.

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Is a Crown Necessary After a Root Canal?

It can be hard to make the decision of whether or not to get a dental crown after a Root Canal. But the truth is, there’s no need for one in most cases. A root canal is a surgery to remove the problematic roots of your teeth, and a crown is often required for proper dental restoration. A dental crown after a root canal is not always necessary, and in some cases, it can actually increase the risk of infection or other problems. If the tooth is healthy, there’s no need for a dental crown after a root canal, it will heal on its own.

How Long Does a Root Canal Last Without a Crown featured image

How Long Does a Root Canal Last Without a Crown?

Root canal treatment is an essential part of dental care. It’s a surgery to remove the infected or decayed roots from your teeth. Generally, root canals last around six months to 2 years without a crown with occasional maintenance required. If the root canal is done the first time correctly around, you’ll experience few if any problems down the road. Make sure to consult with a dentist who is experienced in root canal treatment, so you can get the best possible outcome.

Pros and Cons of Dental Crown After a Root Canal

There are pros and cons to having a dental crown after a root canal treatment, but the decision ultimately comes down to what is best for the individual patient.


Some of the pros of the dental crown after a root canal treatment include:

Dental crowns are more durable

A dental crown after a root canal is more durable than dental bridges and dentures, and they can last up to five years. If a root canal is done incorrectly, the treated tooth might need a dental crown to fix it. As dentists know, crowns are often a more aesthetic option because they look like natural teeth. They also reduce the risk of gum disease due to the fact that there is no exposed metal on the chewing surface.

They help to prevent tooth decay

Tooth crowns are a great way to protect teeth after a root canal procedure. They help to prevent tooth decay and improve the appearance of teeth, offering a degree of protection against future dental problems. Additionally, dental crowns can also be used to correct minor maladies such as an overhanging or crooked weakened tooth, all without the need for surgery or filling!

Reduces the risk of infection and bleeding

A Crown is a restoration that replaces the lost tooth and covers the root of the teeth. It reduces the risk of infection and bleeding by covering up the root canal opening, which makes it an excellent choice for people who have had a root canal. Crowns are usually recommended after the procedure when there is little chance of re-root formation.

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They protect the tooth and its roots

Crowns are specially-made mouthpieces that help protect the tooth and its roots. They are usually put in after the procedure has been completed and cured, but can also be used before or during the procedure if needed. The tooth may eventually fall out or become severely damaged if a dental crown after a root canal is not placed.

How Long Does a Root Canal Last Without a Crown


Root canal is a big decision and one that should not be taken lightly. That’s why it’s important to know the facts behind the procedure so that you can make the best decision for yourself. There are also cons of a crown as well.

They may need to be replaced

It is important to be proactive about dental care and replace or repair crowns and other dentist-recommended items after a certain amount of time. A dental crown may also need to be replaced, depending on the severity of the condition. If you experience any pain or problems, it is best to consult with your dentist as soon as possible so that they can assess the situation and provide you with better treatment options.

Crown may not fit properly

Crowns should be replaced on a regular basis as they can become loose and need to be tightened with a crown retainer. If the tooth is severely damaged, the root canal therapy may have to be performed instead. In such cases, it’s important to contact an oral surgeon right away so that the tooth extraction can take place in the most optimal way possible.

Difficulty eating certain foods

There are a few foods that it is difficult for some people to eat after having a dental crown after a root canal. For example, certain hard and crunchy foods can be very uncomfortable to chew or swallow. Additionally, acidic juices and foods (such as citrus fruits) can cause toothache the next day. In general, soft drinks and other drinks such as fruit juice are okay to consume once the procedure has been completed.

Benefits of a Root Canal

A root canal is a treatment that can be very beneficial to your oral health. In fact, root canal is often used to treat dental problems such as:

  • It removes damaged roots from your mouth.
  • It can be a life-saving procedure for those with toothache, pain, and infection.
  • It boosts oral hygiene and faster healing times.
  • It can also remove the infected pulp of teeth.
  • It is one of the most effective treatments for teeth.

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A root canal is an important procedure that restores the good oral hygiene and overall health of a patient by cleaning and repairing the dental pulp and root of the tooth. While the procedure is relatively simple and short-term, some people may choose to have a dental crown put on afterward to enhance the appearance of their smile. By understanding the pros and cons of the dental crown after a root canal, you can make the best decision for your dental health. Make sure to consult with your dentist to get the most accurate information about your individual case.