How To Save A Dying Tooth Naturally (Experts Guide)

It’s no secret that there’s an increasing trend of people who tooth decay and end up needing to get dentures or tooth extractions. And if you’re among them, then you know just how scary it can be when a tooth starts to decay – the pain is unbearable, the infection can spread quickly, and the toothache can be excruciating. In this blog, we’ll talk about what a dying tooth is, the different symptoms that you may experience if your tooth is dying, and the natural remedies that you can use to save the tooth. By following these tips, you’ll not only stop the decay from happening but also enjoy a tooth that’s healthy and strong!

What is a dying tooth?

If you’re noticing that one of your teeth is looking a little bit off, it’s probably time to see your dentist. A dying tooth is a tooth that is experiencing decay or gum disease. If left untreated, this can lead to the loss of the tooth. There are a number of steps you can take to prevent this from happening, starting with seeing your dentist regularly.



How To Save A Dying Tooth naturally


Early detection is key in saving teeth and gums from damage. If you experience any toothache, pain in the gums, or swelling, it’s definitely time to book an appointment with your dentist. Don’t forget to stock up on toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash – they’ll help keep your teeth and gums healthy and protected. In the event that the tooth does need to be removed, make sure to talk to your dentist about the options available to you. There are many natural home remedies you can use to save your teeth from further damage, such as soaking a toothbrush in baking soda.

Symptoms of dying tooth

If you’re noticing any of the following signs that your tooth is dying, it’s time to schedule an appointment with a dentist. This includes brown spots on the tooth, cavities, changes in color, severe pain, sensitivity to cold or hot foods and drinks, and difficulty chewing food. If left untreated, the tooth may fall out completely. To avoid any unpleasant dental issues down the road, make sure to maintain proper oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly, and visiting a dentist on a regular basis.

Tooth sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is a common symptom of dying teeth. If you are experiencing tooth pain, it is important to see your dentist as soon as possible. However, before you head to the dentist, try using a numbing mouthwash to relieve the pain. Additionally, always keep a toothbrush and fluoride gel handy in case of an emergency. If the pain persists or worsens, it is best to contact your dentist and get an appointment as soon as possible. Dying teeth can often cause other dental problems such as tooth decay or gum disease, so it is important to take care of them properly and see a dentist as soon as possible.

Bad breath

If you’re experiencing bad breath, it’s probably because your tooth is dying. In most cases, tooth decay or tooth decay-related gum problems will cause bad breath. If the decay is severe, the tooth may need to be removed. However, there are a few natural ways to treat bad breath – eating more fruits and vegetables, drinking water, and using mouthwash. Additionally, if you are experiencing any other dental problems such as tooth pain or cavities, see your dentist for an immediate solution.

Brown patches on tooth enamel

If you’re noticing brown patches on the tooth enamel, it’s time to visit the dentist. These patches indicate that the tooth is dying and will continue to do so until its gone. If left untreated, the brown patches may form into holes, which eventually lead to the tooth falling out completely. It is important to get treatment as soon as possible so that the tooth can be saved and restored to its former glory.

Toothache and pain

Toothache and pain can be caused by a number of things – an infection, decay, etc. In the meantime, there are various home remedies you can try to ease the pain – ibuprofen, paracetamol, etc. If the tooth has to be removed, the best option would be a root canal or a crown implant.

Natural Remedies for saving the dying tooth

Tooth decay is a common problem, and it can be hard to prevent. Luckily, there are a number of natural remedies you can try to save your tooth. For example, you can make tea using coffee, chicory, and fluoride to fight against dental cavities. toothpaste made out of baking soda and salt is also an effective solution. Additionally, keep your mouth clean by brushing regularly and flossing! If you find that tooth decay is becoming a problem, speak to your dentist to see if they can recommend any other solutions.

Hydrate with Fluids and Herbs

As your tooth starts to decay, it’s natural to feel concerned and panic. But don’t worry, there are many natural remedies that you can try to save your tooth. One of the best ways to hydrate your mouth is by drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day. This will help keep your gums and teeth healthy and hydrated, while also reducing the risk of tooth decay.

Another great way to deal with tooth decay is by adding herbs like mint and ginger to your diet. These herbs have been known to soothe gums, stimulate saliva production, and fight tooth decay. It’s also important to avoid sugary drinks and to eat healthy snacks that provide you with essential nutrients. By following these simple tips, you can save your tooth and enjoy a dentist-free life!

Make a Homeopathic Toothpaste

Toothpaste made from natural ingredients is far more effective than store-bought toothpaste, and you can make it at home using ingredients like honey, baking soda, cloves, and so on. Make sure to consult a healthcare professional before trying any of these remedies on your own though!

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Avoid Sugary Drinks

Switch to water, unsweetened tea, or coffee for your caffeine fix. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables to fill up on vitamins and minerals that help fight tooth decay. Make sure you brush your teeth twice a day and floss regularly to remove plaque build-up that can lead to tooth decay.

Rinse the tooth with cold water

First and foremost, keep a bottle of cold water by your bedside in case of an emergency. This will help to numb the tooth and stop it from hurting. Next, rinse the tooth with cold water to chase away infection and kill any bad bacteria. Don’t brush for two hours after rinsing – this will allow the fluoride in the water to work its magic.

Add baking soda to the rinse water

Tooth decay is a common problem that can be easily prevented by using natural remedies like baking soda. It is an effective way to clean teeth and remove plaque and bacteria, while also fighting tooth decay. To get the best results, use it regularly and make sure to follow the instructions carefully. Also, keep in mind that tooth decay can often be caused by unhealthy habits such as smoking or drinking too much water. By incorporating these simple natural remedies into your oral hygiene routine, you can save your teeth and improve your oral health!

Put cotton balls soaked in hydrogen peroxide on top of the teeth for 24 hours

If you’re noticing your tooth starting to lose its color and toothache is becoming a common occurrence, it might be time to consider getting it treated with a root canal. However, there are some natural remedies that you can try before heading to the dentist.

One of these remedies is putting cotton balls soaked in hydrogen peroxide on top of the teeth for 24 hours. This will help to kill any decay or white spot on the enamel and make the tooth clean and blemish-free. Make sure to rinse your mouth and teeth thoroughly after using this remedy, as repeated use may cause dental erosion.

Apply a salt solution to the entire tooth

It is natural to be scared of dentist visits, but tooth decay and tooth loss are not the only things that can negatively affect your oral health. If you want to keep your teeth healthy and save them from future problems, you should make sure to add a salt solution to the tooth every once in a while. Here’s how you do it: mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt with 1 cup of water and rinse your mouth out with it.

Pour the solution over the tooth and hold it in for 10-15 minutes. Spit out the solution after it’s done working and brush your teeth as usual! By doing this, you will be able to prevent tooth decay and tooth loss, as well as improve your oral hygiene!

What causes a tooth to die?

Tooth decay is the most common dental health problem, and its caused by bacteria feeding on sugars in the mouth. If left untreated, tooth decay can cause tooth root abscesses or even extraction surgery.

Fortunately, tooth decay can be prevented with a variety of simple steps. To start, make sure to eat a healthy and balanced diet that includes plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. It’s also important to avoid sugary drinks and snacks and to use a fluoride-containing dental rinse/mouthwash. Additionally, brushing and flossing regularly is essential for removing plaque and bacteria from your teeth.

If you do experience tooth decay, don’t hesitate to see a dentist for treatment. They’ll be able to diagnose the problem and take appropriate steps to prevent it from worsening.


If you’re like most people, you dread the thought of a toothache. But the reality is that tooth decay and tooth loss is a common problems that can be prevented and treated with the right prevention strategies. In this blog, we have outlined the different symptoms of a dying tooth and the natural remedies that can help to save it. Make sure to read through the blog to learn all you need to know about saving your tooth!